Mawiyoo in her collection of poetry entitled, Blue Mothertongue, writes of a nostalgia, yearns for a better understanding of culture and identity if not a retaking of it, in a world that continues to globalise. She queries our role and place across borders, writing about migrants in their long-distance communications, cross-racial relationships, abandonment of tongues and wisdom, describing their surrendering as "sins we committed", criticising the "hope-fool - muttering that [he is] content" to hide in America.
She throws us in to the frozen moment of a Heard: Traffic Light Monologue, capturing the sheng of today and the expressions that embody our multitude of afflictions; exemplifying corruption with the ineffectiveness of the City Hall Mayor, speculating on the rise of HIV and dispairing on the lack of change any digging or exposure of "marecommendations," will be bring about.
(to be continued. i'm still reading it. lol)